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Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 25 Weight Loss Challenge

     Day 25 I'm getting more excited by the day to see what Monday will bring. This morning I made my 10lb goal but lets see what the weekend will bring. Weekends and days off period throw me off my schedule and I also get bored and eat more. I hope by Monday I am down at least 2 more pounds. But over all, I am happy with the challenge. It has been very hard but well worth it.

     I walked for an hour using Wii Fit Free Run. I also did my abs, arms, back and squats. I altered my abs, arms and back routine because adding 5 more everyday was doing to murch (yes I said murch). I started doing 20 reps of 4 different set of abs exercises as well as 20 reps of 5 different sets of back and 20 reps of 5 different sets of arm exercises. I added 5 to each every day so I was on 65 each. So that was 260 abs and 325 arms and back each night. That was toooooo much to handle. So I keep the all my sets but went back to 50 each.

     My meals for today are below. My goals for the weekend are to stay motivated. I dont exercise on the weekend (on Friday yes) so that takes away from the extra calories I may want to indulge in so that hurts too. But oh well. Until tomorrow; Happy Losing, Losers!!!!!!!

My Meals For Day 25

2 Slices Classic Honey Wheat Bread
1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1 Tbsp Jelly
2 Slices Classic Honey Wheat Bread
1 Cup Tuna Fish
10 Roasted Vegetable Crackers
4oz Baked Potato Rounds
2 Special K Strawberry Pastry Crisps
3/4 Cup Peanut Butter Trail Mix
2 Edy's Fruit Bars