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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Insanity Fit Test

     Ok I admit, I didn't start the Insanity workout on Monday. I started today (Wednesday) because I have been sick. But I finally got the Fit Test in and boy I am so not fit. Let's hope I get better by the weeks. Well that is the plan isn't it. We will see, I have high hopes though. ;~)  My Fit Test results are below.

Week 1
Switch Kicks- 93
Power Jacks- 42
Power Knees- 74
Power Jumps- 27
Globe Jumps- 8
Suicide Jumps- 10
Push-Up Jacks- 15
Low Plank Oblique- 40


  1. Oh you go girl. If you get through this you will get through anything. I cann't hang...lol

  2. How long were you able to do it Melvita? I hate that it's 6 days a week. But I am going to try and hang in there.
